Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Etch a Mac


I would like know why someone would voluntarily pay $35+ ($35 for 3x3, $70 for 4x4 and $100 for 5x5 inches with purchase of a Powerbook) to have “All Rights Reserved” () in Chinese etched on their Apple Powerbook.

Does having Chinese characters etched on the Powerbook would make it any more unique than the next Joe Schmoe’s Powerbook with the exact same Chinese phrase? Also, does the potential customer even know what the phrase really mean? It could easy be "pretentious douche bag", although that would be a much entertaining choice than "All Rights Reserved".

(Disclaimer: I don't think Apple computer users are douche bags)

Couldn’t they come up with some creative or inspiring phrases? I mean there are literally millions of Chinese literatures to choose from.

Here is one suggestion I have: how about just etch the owner’s contact info in case the laptop has been snatched from their local hot spot.

Ps. Thanks to the "cult of mac" for sending it in.

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Saturday, October 22, 2005

Friday, October 21, 2005

Sunday, October 16, 2005

"Colorful Rat"

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Upside Down "Beauty"


This young man is proudly displaying his newly done tattoo. Too bad the first character (beauty) is upside down. Perhaps the young should get (superficial) as a cover-up tattoo.

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This tattoo is the Chinese phonetic translation of the name “Robert”. It is very poorly done. All characters are disproportional and missing strokes.

Although sometimes the clients are the ones bring in ugly or incorrect designs, I can’t imagine any respectable tattooist would display this in his/her portfolio.

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"Where To?"

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Big Mistake

This young man got two Chinese characters tattooed on his bicep and was told they meant "courage". I have posted about the exact same tattoo earlier, when I first saw it in 2003.

The phrase means “big mistake" or "shortcoming".

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Sunday, October 9, 2005

French Tattoo Flash Mistakes


This lovely collage of mistakes is brought to you by a French website called Tattoo-Passion.com.

means "minister", not "Bouddha" (English "Buddha").

means "immortal" or "fairy", not "boxe" (English "boxing", the sport).

or means "cannabis", not the character shown.

means "charm" or "attraction", not "demon".

means "puppet", not "destruction".

means "soldier", not "divorce".

means "evening" or "dusk", not "enfant" (English "child").

means "offspring", not "esprit" (English "spirit").

is written incorrectly and it means "evil spirit". Not to be confused with , which means "worship" or "idolize".

means "emperor", not "football".

means "soul" or "spirit", not "grand pere" (English "grand father").

means "toad" or "clam", not "grenouille" (English "frog").

means "private", not "illegal".

is incorrectly written and it means "jealousy".

means "prick", not "meurtre" (English "murder").

means "ancestory", not "militaire" (English "military").

is incorrectly written and it means "death".

means "buddha", not "paradis" (English "paradise").

The ironic part is the French government is so concerned about their language, it actually dedicates an entire branch an academy on maintaining the purity of French language.

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Saturday, October 8, 2005

"Body Cavity"

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Cannabis Love


The next time you decide to toke up some dope and get a tattoo in Germany or Europe in general, make sure your tattooist did not purchase his flash from one of these vendors shown above.

is upside down and the correct character for cannabis is or , not the one shown on their website.

Use "HANZI2006" to save 10% on any t-shirt purchase at Jlist.com, and save 25% for 3 shirts or more.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

"Mountain Bike"


means "bicycle" and 過山單車 means "mountain bike". Perhaps both the client and tattooist had too many concussions resulted from mountain biking accidents.

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Sunday, October 2, 2005

Firefly's "Electricity Caution" Sign


Reader Norman emailed me this screen capture. The second character (electricity) of this caution sign in the show Firefly is mirrored. It is also interesting to point out that in the future, spaceships will run on Microsoft Windows and don't lose those device driver disks.

Update: I saw the movie Serenity last night. Although there were some Chinese inconsistencies throughout the movie, overall it was very good. I have to say it was definitely one of the few good Sci-Fi movies that I have enjoyed in long time.