This lovely collage of mistakes is brought to you by a French website called
臣 means "minister", not "Bouddha" (English "Buddha").
仙 means "immortal" or "fairy", not "boxe" (English "boxing", the sport).
蔴 or 麻 means "cannabis", not the character shown.
魅 means "charm" or "attraction", not "demon".
儡 means "puppet", not "destruction".
卒 means "soldier", not "divorce".
夕 means "evening" or "dusk", not "enfant" (English "child").
子 means "offspring", not "esprit" (English "spirit").
祟 is written incorrectly and it means "evil spirit". Not to be confused with 崇, which means "worship" or "idolize".
帝 means "emperor", not "football".
魂 means "soul" or "spirit", not "grand pere" (English "grand father").
蛤 means "toad" or "clam", not "grenouille" (English "frog").
私 means "private", not "illegal".
嫉 is incorrectly written and it means "jealousy".
刺 means "prick", not "meurtre" (English "murder").
宗 means "ancestory", not "militaire" (English "military").
死 is incorrectly written and it means "death".
佛 means "buddha", not "paradis" (English "paradise").
The ironic part is the French
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