Sunday, October 9, 2005

French Tattoo Flash Mistakes

This lovely collage of mistakes is brought to you by a French website called

means "minister", not "Bouddha" (English "Buddha").

means "immortal" or "fairy", not "boxe" (English "boxing", the sport).

or means "cannabis", not the character shown.

means "charm" or "attraction", not "demon".

means "puppet", not "destruction".

means "soldier", not "divorce".

means "evening" or "dusk", not "enfant" (English "child").

means "offspring", not "esprit" (English "spirit").

is written incorrectly and it means "evil spirit". Not to be confused with , which means "worship" or "idolize".

means "emperor", not "football".

means "soul" or "spirit", not "grand pere" (English "grand father").

means "toad" or "clam", not "grenouille" (English "frog").

means "private", not "illegal".

is incorrectly written and it means "jealousy".

means "prick", not "meurtre" (English "murder").

means "ancestory", not "militaire" (English "military").

is incorrectly written and it means "death".

means "buddha", not "paradis" (English "paradise").

The ironic part is the French government is so concerned about their language, it actually dedicates an entire branch an academy on maintaining the purity of French language.

Use "HANZI2006" to save 10% on any t-shirt purchase at, and save 25% for 3 shirts or more.

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